The Psychopathy Is Blog
Our blog provides perspectives from clinicians, researchers, and those with lived experience of psychopathy to enrich and broaden the conversation about psychopathy and related disorders.
How I Created a Fictional Psychopath
By Elisabeth Eaves – Novelists are always trying to get into the minds of our characters. Sometimes, we draw from personal experience, like method actors. Often, though, we have to inhabit a state of mind we’ve never experienced…
I have taught high school for nearly 40 years. Only recently have I become afraid of my students
By a High School Teacher – But after nearly 40 years teaching high school in the same metropolitan area, my chief concerns are no longer my salary, school supplies, or sense of being appreciated…
My Son, the Psychopath – Interview with Anonymous
By Carrie Barron, M.D. – One of the most heartbreaking situations is when a child develops callous and unemotional traits and commits cruel acts towards others–and their parents are automatically blamed.
The Imposter’s Delight in Duping and the Wish to Be Duped
By Carrie Barron, M.D. – The “imposter” according to psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Phyllis Greenacre, is a person who enjoys getting something over on others. The falsification may involve identity, history, ancestry, accomplishment, education, or profession.
Just-world fallacy explains a lot about how parents of children with disruptive behavior disorders get treated
By Anonymous Parent – Do you believe that what goes around comes around? That people reap what they sow? That the world is generally fair? If so, you are probably not….
Aggressive Children Need Parent – Focused Interventions
By Emily L. Robertson, Ph.D. – At least 1 in 20 families struggles with an aggressive child. Such children and their families need and should be offered evidence-based treatments…
4 Myths About Psychopathy That Refuse to Die
By Abigail Marsh, Ph.D., Co-founder of Psychopathy Is – I can assure you that psychopathy will never die, because it is not a myth. Far from it. Psychopathy is a very real personality construct that has been the focus of thousands of scientific studies all over the world…
Can Callousness and Unemotionality in Children Be Treated?
By Deepak Seshadri and Camilo Ortiz – Hyperactive, non-compliant, disruptive, defiant, and aggressive child behaviors, or what psychologists call “externalizing behaviors,” are the most common reason parents seek out mental health help for their children…
Lisa Marie Presley and I are in the same boat. Whether your child commits suicide or has psychopathy, others will judge and blame you and assume you were a terrible parent
By Anonymous Parent – I had at least one thing in common with Lisa Marie Presley. We have both been suffering, misunderstood mothers. We have both felt criticized for the actions of one of our children, even though what my child has done is very different from what hers did…

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