Helping individuals and families affected by psychopathy, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder.
Too few people know the truth about these disorders. We’re helping change that… by helping you know the signs. Know about treatment options and resources. And know you’re not alone.
Check Out Our New Website
Click below to visit our new site, which greatly expands our scope to include ASPD, CD, ODD and IED disorders of aggression.
Abigail Marsh, Co-founder, Psychopathy Is: She studied people with psychopathy. Here’s what it taught her about human nature.
Abigail Marsh, Co-founder, Psychopathy Is: Psychopathy can be treated—but here’s why it rarely is.
About Us
Abigail Marsh, Co-founder, Psychopathy Is: She studied people with psychopathy. Here’s what it taught her about human nature.
PSYCHOPATHY IS… About truth. Separating fact from fiction. Freeing sufferers and their families from stigma. And helping them find a place where they feel free to share their story.
PSYCHOPATHY IS… About hope. About letting people know the disorder can be treatable.
PSYCHOPATHY IS… About resources. We have assembled the most comprehensive set of scientifically accurate videos, articles and podcasts about Psychopathy on the internet.
PSYCHOPATHY IS… changing the conversation about this misunderstood disorder.
Featured Articles
What It’s Like to Be a Sociopath
Sociopaths are modern-day boogeymen, and the word “sociopath” is casually tossed around to describe the worst, most amoral among us. But they are not boogeymen; they are real people and, according to Patric Gagne, widely misunderstood.
Source: The New York Times Magazine
Aggression Disorders Are Serious, Stigmatized and Treatable
Researchers have a clearer picture than ever before of how common conditions that involve aggressive behavior emerge and how treatment can help...
Source: Scientific American
APA-Approved Continuing Education (CE) Classes On Demand
Are you a mental health professional? Click below to register for on-demand courses for CE credit taught by internationally recognized experts and Psychopathy Is Board members Professors Abigail Marsh, Carrie Barron and Christopher Patrick.
What is Psychopathy?
Sponsored by Palo Alto University, an APA-approved sponsor of continuing education (CE) courses.
Presenter: Chris Patrick, PhD
Price: $100
The Development of Conduct Disorder and Aggression
Sponsored by Palo Alto University, an APA-approved sponsor of continuing education (CE) courses.
Presenter: Abigail Marsh, PhD
Price: $100
The Overlap Between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy
Sponsored by Palo Alto University, an APA-approved sponsor of continuing education (CE) courses.
Presenter: Carrie Barron, MD
Price: $100
Psychopathy Facts
Psychopathy Is...
not a synonym for violence or crime.
Psychopathy does increase the risk for violence and criminal behavior. But in many people psychopathy leads mostly to less serious behaviors, such as manipulation, lying, stealing, and bullying.
Psychopathy Is...
the most expensive mental health condition in existence,
costing the criminal justice system an estimated $460 billion annually. Every $1 invested in treating psychopathy saves over $7.
Psychopathy Is...
a major risk factor for gun violence.
Children with psychopathic traits are over four times more likely than other children to use a gun during a crime. Investing in better treatment options for psychopathy will reduce gun violence.
Psychopathy Is...
a major risk factor for bullying.
Bullies are over twice as likely to have psychopathic traits as children who don’t bully. Children with psychopathic traits are more likely to become bullies even if they were never bullied themselves. Investing in better treatment options for psychopathy will reduce bullying.
Psychopathy Is...
a common mental disorder.
It is more common than schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or anorexia. But, unlike these disorders, psychopathy receives almost no federal research funding. Such funding is needed to identify mechanisms, preventions and treatments.
Psychopathy Is...
something a person has, not something a person is.
Psychopathy is a mental disorder, like depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It is not a disorder a person chooses to have. And symptoms can improve with treatment.
Psychopathy Is...
very difficult to detect.
Unlike many other serious mental disorders, psychopathy can be invisible to observers. People with psychopathy often present a “mask” of normalcy despite their serious emotional and behavioral disturbances. There are no cues that reliably signal that someone has psychopathy.
We all know someone with psychopathy
But few know the truth about it. We’re helping to change that…by helping you know the signs. Know about treatment options and resources. And know you’re not alone.
What it's like to live with Psychopathy
Think someone might have Psychopathy?
Learn more about Psychopathy
Personal Stories

Story from Anonymous
When I was around 3-4 years old I noticed that I was different from others. My family had a farm and we raised all kinds of different animals; cows, pigs…

Story from David
Trying to describe the challenges of living with psychopathy to neurotypicals is hard to impossible. I often relate things like my inability…

A Psychopath’s Story
Remorse is alien to me. I have a penchant for deceit. I am generally free of entangling and irrational emotions. I am strategic and canny, intelligent…

A Sociopath’s Story*
As a wife and a mother, I have learned how to tell the truth. Which is why I always know when my husband is lying. My husband was trying to tell me…
The Psychopathy Blog
How I Created a Fictional Psychopath
By Elisabeth Eaves – Novelists are always trying to get into the minds of our characters. Sometimes, we draw from personal experience, like method actors. Often, though, we have to inhabit a state of mind we’ve never experienced…
I have taught high school for nearly 40 years. Only recently have I become afraid of my students
By a High School Teacher – But after nearly 40 years teaching high school in the same metropolitan area, my chief concerns are no longer my salary, school supplies, or sense of being appreciated…
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