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Maria Dolgaleva

BA Philology HSE University, Moscow, Russia; Master in Specialized Translation, University of Bologna, Italy.
Intern Maria Dolgaleva

After graduating in philology in Moscow Maria spent one and a half years in Italy, studying specialized translation at the University of Bologna and then returned to Moscow to study simultaneous interpreting for the United Nations. As a philologist, she has always been always been passionate about words, contexts, meanings, connections and true nature of things. While working as a PR manager for a scientific journal on mental health, translating psychiatric articles, Maria has developed an enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research. It is particularly meaningful for her to help make the content of PsychopathyIs available in her native language, since mental disorders in Russia remain underdiagnosed, while the stigma around them is still prevalent.

Who We Are


One that dispels myths. Shares solutions. And advocates for the funding needed to find more effective targeted treatments.

Ask Me Anything

Have you ever wanted to hear someone diagnosed as a sociopath talk about what it’s like to be them–and to ask them your questions?

August 12th, 11am PDT on Zoom. Click below for more information and registration (limited to 50 attendees).