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Intern Maria Dolgaleva
Abigail Marsh for Psychopathy Is

Maria Dolgaleva

BA Philology HSE University, Moscow, Russia;
Master in Specialized Translation, University of Bologna, Italy.

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Otavio Travi Portrait

Otavio Travi

BA, History, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil;
MA, Literacy, Uninter International University, Brazil.

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Nina Van Santvoort Portrait

Nina Van Santvoort

BSc, Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands;
MSc, Applied Criminology and Forensic Psychology, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

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Yamini portrait
Abigail Marsh for Psychopathy Is

Yamini Rastogi

BA Psychology, Marketing and Economics- Indian Institute of Psychology and Research, Bangalore, India;
MSc Clinical Psychology, Christ University Delhi National Capital Region, India, expected 2024.

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Intern Heesoo Jung
Abigail Marsh for Psychopathy Is

Heesoo Jung

BA, Forensic Psychology, John Jay College;
MSc, Investigative Psychology, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom;
GDip, Philosophy, Otago University, New Zealand;
MA, Experimental Humanity & Social Engagement, New York University.

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Tina Habchi
Abigail Marsh for Psychopathy Is

Tina Habchi

Laboratory Manager at INSERM (French NIH); Euro-Mediterranean Master in Neuroscience and Biotechnology Graduate

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Caroline Barron Portrait

Caroline Barron

BA, Humanities major in the Liberal Arts Honors program, University of Texas at Austin, expected 2024

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Ask Me Anything

Have you ever wanted to hear someone diagnosed as a sociopath talk about what it’s like to be them–and to ask them your questions?

August 12th, 11am PDT on Zoom. Click below for more information and registration (limited to 50 attendees).