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The Team at Psychopathy Is

Story from Anonymous

When I was around 3-4 years old I noticed that I was different from others. My family had a farm and we raised all kinds of different animals; cows, pigs…

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Silhouette of individual with mask
The Team at Psychopathy Is

Story from David

Trying to describe the challenges of living with psychopathy to neurotypicals is hard to impossible. I often relate things like my inability…

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Silhouette of Individual with mask
The Team at Psychopathy Is

A Psychopath’s Story

Remorse is alien to me. I have a penchant for deceit. I am generally free of entangling and irrational emotions. I am strategic and canny, intelligent…

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The Team at Psychopathy Is

A Sociopath’s Story*

As a wife and a mother, I have learned how to tell the truth. Which is why I always know when my husband is lying. My husband was trying to tell me…

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Lillyth Quillan Portrait
The Team at Psychopathy Is

A Parent’s Story

How do you sum up a lifetime of abuse in 700 words? I don’t think you really can. The abuse didn’t just come from the child I carried for nine months when…

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Abigail Marsh at Ted Talk
The Team at Psychopathy Is

A Researcher’s Story

If you ever have felt compassion for anyone in your life, feel compassion for the parents of children with psychopathy. I have spent many hours…

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Portrait of Carrie Barron
The Team at Psychopathy Is

A Psychiatrist’s Story

From a young age, she lied. She walked down the street and told a good friend of mine I was abusing her. My friend called me, troubled by my daughter’s…

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Silhouette of Individual with mask
The Team at Psychopathy Is

Anonymous Story

By the time my son was 3 years old he seemed angry very often. And it wasn’t temper tantrum anger. It was cold, simmering anger. When I look at photos…

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Silhouette of individual with mask
The Team at Psychopathy Is

Story from Jack

Although my differences in this regard did not really appear until I was a teenager that is not to say I wasn’t always different. I was born in 2003…

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Silhouette of individual with mask
The Team at Psychopathy Is

Story from Phil

My name is Phil, 57 years old. My life is a story of broken hearts and empty purses. A trail of wreckage in my wake that I don’t see hear or feel.

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Ask Me Anything

Have you ever wanted to hear someone diagnosed as a sociopath talk about what it’s like to be them–and to ask them your questions?

August 12th, 11am PDT on Zoom. Click below for more information and registration (limited to 50 attendees).